Introduction to the ONPS


Introduction to the National Office for School Publications

1-Creation and Tasks:

The National Office for School Publications is an industrial and commercial public institution with moral personality and financial independence, operating under the auspices of the Ministry of National . Established by Executive Decree No. 90-11 of 1st January 1990, amended and supplemented by Executive Decree No. 18-131 of 02 May 2021, the DIWAN assumes the following functions:

A/Commercial tasks

The Office, entitled “Business Tasks”, is tasked with the following:

1-Publishing, printing and distributing literature, books, magazines, documents and semi-textbooks in accordance with established regulations;

2-Reproduction, publication and distribution of foreign textbooks, books and documents with school and pedagogical use, which are translated and quoted, in accordance with established regulations;

3-The intensification of the national distribution network of schoolbooks, semi-textbooks and pedagogical documents through retail,

4-Expansion of distribution activity through the establishment of pedagogical distribution and publishing centres, branches, points of sale and private libraries accredited by the Diwan across the country’s territory;

5-To provide all publishing, printing and distribution services outside the textbook, in particular for the blind;

6-Delivery of contractual services with various public and private institutions, as well as the establishment of exchanges and cooperation with national and foreign bodies;

7-Joint publication with national and foreign clients.

Tasks of the Public Service:

The Office as Public Service is charged with the following tasks:

1-Publication, printing and distribution of literature, textbooks, magazines, educational and pedagogical documents;

2-Publishing, printing and distributing authorized literature and books of a compulsory nature, including those with weak commercial returns;

3- Expansion of publishing, printing and distribution activities outside the textbook;

4-Publication, printing and distribution of textbooks for the blind;

5-Organizing seminars, lectures and conducting studies and research related to his field of interest;

6-Establishing and maintaining a documentary balance of the textbook and all pedagogical documents;Ensuring that they are preserved and preserved in the archives

7-Printing of the Official Bulletin of National Education and all other documents of school use;

8-Completion of all relevant technical, technological and economic studies.

2-Internal organization of the Office.

The internal organization of the Office, under the authority of the Director-General assisted by an Assistant Director-General, includes the following:

– Production Directorate,

– Technical Directorate,

– Directorate of Dissemination

– Supply Directorate,

– Directorate of Trade and Distribution,

– Directorate of Finance and Accounting,

– Directorate of Public Administration,

– Directorate of Audit and Surveillance,

– State centres for pedagogical distribution and dissemination, branches and points of sale.

3-Means of printing.

The DIWAN has different kinds of machines and equipment needed to do all the work related to publishing and printing at all stages

4-Distribution network.

The DIWAN distributes textbooks and various educational publications and bonds to all states of the country through the following distribution network:

State Centres for Pedagogical Distribution and Dissemination.

Regional distribution centres.

Points of sale/POS.

Accredited private libraries are available throughout the country

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